Crooked Creek Pistol League

We are a proud part of

Ohio Section

International Practical Shooting Confederation

Our parent Club is   Crooked Creek Conservation Club


2012 Match Results and Schedule

Old Match Results

Maps to our Ranges

Other Places to Shoot


For Sale


August 13, 2006 Match at
Crooked Creek Conservation Club

Overall Results










Match Pts

Match %

1 Whitaker, Jeff REENTRY A Open Major No No 420.8192 100.000%
2 Whitaker, Jeff A46225 A Limited Major No No 354.8773 84.330%
3 Connolly, Bud L2450 B Limited 10 Major No No 318.3717 75.655%
4 Attamante, William L2542 A Limited Major No No Super Senior 305.6439 72.631%
5 Martin, Michael REENTRY A Limited Major No No Senior 285.8346 67.923%
6 Birch, Matthew REENTRY B Limited 10 Major No No 281.8656 66.980%
7 Connolly, Bud REENTRY B Limited Major No No 281.0458 66.785%
8 Henry, Ed B16 B Limited Major No No Senior 271.3905 64.491%
9 Moore, Vern A43231 C Open Major No No Senior 270.4080 64.258%
10 Short, Rick U Limited Major No No 243.4693 57.856%
11 Ku, Raymond REENTRY C Open Minor No No 241.3393 57.350%
12 Webb, Tim A57000 U Production Minor No No 239.6780 56.955%
13 Ku, Raymond A53503 C Production Minor No No 239.0117 56.797%
14 Catella, Zac A47972 D Open Major No No Junior 235.0145 55.847%
15 Konnerth, Dick TY43238 C Limited Major No No Super Senior 233.3340 55.448%
16 Birch, Matthew A54136 C Revolver Major No No 232.3893 55.223%
17 Platt, Vaughn A43232 B Limited 10 Major No No 231.9364 55.115%
18 Martin, Michael FY34219 A Revolver Major No No Senior 230.0476 54.667%
19 Yospur, Ben A38533 C Open Major No No Super Senior 227.1120 53.969%
20 Tartaglia, Greg U Limited Major No No 222.7768 52.939%
21 Smith, Kevin A. A55852 U Production Minor No No 220.1768 52.321%
22 Platt, Greg U Limited 10 Major No No 197.2057 46.862%
23 Catella, Gary A47971 C Open Major No No Senior 193.5609 45.996%
24 Ellis, Richard L1761 C Single Stack Major No No Senior 193.0342 45.871%
25 McGrattan, Tim REENTRY U Limited 10 Major No No 193.0088 45.865%
26 Znidar, Tim REENTRY C Open Major No No 192.2223 45.678%
27 Landon, John W. A41729 C Limited Major No No Super Senior 187.0269 44.444%
28 Potts, Jim TY38859 U Limited 10 Major No No 186.6178 44.346%
29 Sarkisian, Stuart A57001 U Production Minor No No 175.5610 41.719%
30 Meszaros, Robert REENTRY U Production Minor No No 175.5072 41.706%
31 Griffith, John P. A52917 U Single Stack Major No No 173.6869 41.274%
32 Smith, Caleb A55854 U Single Stack Minor No No Junior 171.9659 40.865%
33 Williams, Bruce REENTRY U Production Minor No No 171.4853 40.750%
34 McGrattan, Tim A56601 U Production Minor No No 165.3729 39.298%
35 Sapp, John A37485 C Limited 10 Major No No 161.9509 38.485%
36 Znidar, Tim A14371 C Open Major No No 161.2645 38.322%
37 Smith, Nathan A55853 U Production Minor No No Junior 157.1309 37.339%
38 Damon, Amy A54433 D Limited 10 Major Yes No 154.9065 36.811%
39 Bauer, Rick TY43229 D Limited Major No No Super Senior 148.2697 35.234%
40 Arp, Joe A52176 D Single Stack Major No No Senior 147.9147 35.149%
41 Williams, Bruce A56999 U Limited 10 Major No No 146.7478 34.872%
42 Korpi, Rick REENTRY D Limited 10 Major No No 146.0100 34.697%
43 Erwin, Scott U Production Minor No No 143.2052 34.030%
44 Meszaros, Robert U Production Minor No No 138.0506 32.805%
45 Cukelj, Richard U Production Minor No No 136.1969 32.365%
46 Bing, Paul U Production Minor No No 132.0333 31.375%
47 Burner, Mike U Single Stack Major No No 129.9153 30.872%
48 Gelsimino, John Pen U Limited Major No No Senior 124.3464 29.549%
49 Korpi, Rick A54617 U Open Major No No 111.9922 26.613%
50 Sustarsic, Vic A43236 D Limited Major No No Super Senior 111.4085 26.474%
51 Malmgren, John A29415 C Production Minor No No Super Senior 109.0402 25.911%
52 Charlillo, Ed A41935 D Limited 10 Major No No 104.3577 24.799%
53 Hurd, Lynn U Single Stack Major Yes No 102.8585 24.442%
54 Bader, Larry R. U Production Minor No No 95.9744 22.807%
55 Popovich, Bob U Limited 10 Major No No Senior 88.4189 21.011%
56 Ventimiglia, Frank U Single Stack Major No No 59.0107 14.023%
Number of Competitors: 56


Stage No: 1 - Atto Walls









Hit Factor

Stage Pts

Stage %

R1 Whitaker, Jeff 48 A Open 138 0 13.89 9.9352 150.0000 100.00%
2 Whitaker, Jeff 24 A Limited 140 0 16.60 8.4337 127.3306 84.89%
3 Connolly, Bud 47 B Limited 10 139 0 18.78 7.4015 111.7466 74.50%
R4 Connolly, Bud 53 B Limited 140 0 20.41 6.8594 103.5621 69.04%
5 Attamante, William 50 A Limited 143 0 20.87 6.8519 103.4488 68.97%
6 Short, Rick 7 U Limited 138 0 21.15 6.5248 98.5103 65.67%
7 Moore, Vern 37 C Open 139 0 22.38 6.2109 93.7711 62.51%
R8 Birch, Matthew 46 B Limited 10 131 0 23.37 5.6055 84.6309 56.42%
9 Konnerth, Dick 30 C Limited 142 0 25.81 5.5017 83.0638 55.38%
R10 Martin, Michael 40 A Limited 131 20 20.88 5.3161 80.2616 53.51%
11 Birch, Matthew 11 C Revolver 147 0 28.35 5.1852 78.2853 52.19%
12 Catella, Zac 43 D Open 124 0 24.08 5.1495 77.7463 51.83%
R13 Ku, Raymond 42 C Open 132 0 25.73 5.1302 77.4549 51.64%
14 Tartaglia, Greg 17 U Limited 143 0 28.13 5.0835 76.7498 51.17%
15 Platt, Greg 36 U Limited 10 143 0 28.46 5.0246 75.8606 50.57%
16 Platt, Vaughn 35 B Limited 10 144 0 29.25 4.9231 74.3281 49.55%
17 Henry, Ed 55 B Limited 138 20 24.01 4.9146 74.1998 49.47%
18 Martin, Michael 6 A Revolver 140 0 29.79 4.6996 70.9538 47.30%
19 Williams, Bruce 1 U Limited 10 140 0 30.00 4.6667 70.4571 46.97%
20 Smith, Kevin A. 3 U Production 140 0 30.13 4.6465 70.1521 46.77%
21 Ellis, Richard 19 C Single Stack 143 0 31.08 4.6010 69.4651 46.31%
22 Webb, Tim 8 U Production 148 0 32.22 4.5934 69.3504 46.23%
23 Ku, Raymond 18 C Production 148 10 30.42 4.5365 68.4913 45.66%
R24 McGrattan, Tim 51 U Limited 10 141 0 31.42 4.4876 67.7530 45.17%
25 Znidar, Tim 21 C Open 141 0 31.64 4.4564 67.2820 44.85%
R26 Williams, Bruce 41 U Production 139 10 29.99 4.3014 64.9418 43.29%
27 Griffith, John P. 23 U Single Stack 139 0 32.88 4.2275 63.8261 42.55%
R28 Znidar, Tim 54 C Open 149 0 35.89 4.1516 62.6802 41.79%
29 Potts, Jim 15 U Limited 10 147 0 36.19 4.0619 61.3259 40.88%
30 Landon, John W. 32 C Limited 138 10 31.98 4.0025 60.4291 40.29%
31 McGrattan, Tim 33 U Production 138 30 27.22 3.9677 59.9037 39.94%
32 Yospur, Ben 16 C Open 141 0 36.40 3.8736 58.4830 38.99%
33 Bauer, Rick 38 D Limited 134 10 32.97 3.7610 56.7830 37.86%
34 Catella, Gary 44 C Open 149 0 39.70 3.7531 56.6637 37.78%
35 Sarkisian, Stuart 14 U Production 136 0 37.62 3.6151 54.5802 36.39%
36 Erwin, Scott 9 U Production 144 0 40.40 3.5644 53.8147 35.88%
R37 Meszaros, Robert 45 U Production 140 20 34.01 3.5284 53.2712 35.51%
38 Sapp, John 34 C Limited 10 136 0 38.61 3.5224 53.1806 35.45%
39 Korpi, Rick 31 U Open 146 10 41.64 3.2661 49.3110 32.87%
40 Meszaros, Robert 20 U Production 130 30 30.64 3.2637 49.2748 32.85%
R41 Korpi, Rick 52 D Limited 10 140 0 43.49 3.2191 48.6014 32.40%
42 Gelsimino, John 27 U Limited 131 0 42.38 3.0911 46.6689 31.11%
43 Arp, Joe 13 D Single Stack 140 0 48.10 2.9106 43.9438 29.30%
44 Smith, Caleb 2 U Single Stack 110 20 31.15 2.8892 43.6207 29.08%
45 Cukelj, Richard 5 U Production 128 0 44.43 2.8809 43.4953 29.00%
46 Bing, Paul 25 U Production 142 0 50.54 2.8097 42.4204 28.28%
47 Damon, Amy 49 D Limited 10 120 40 29.32 2.7285 41.1944 27.46%
48 Burner, Mike 29 U Single Stack 134 10 45.78 2.7086 40.8940 27.26%
49 Malmgren, John 56 C Production 128 0 48.18 2.6567 40.1104 26.74%
50 Charlillo, Ed 22 D Limited 10 142 0 54.28 2.6161 39.4974 26.33%
51 Smith, Nathan 4 U Production 106 10 37.66 2.5491 38.4859 25.66%
52 Bader, Larry R. 10 U Production 136 20 45.54 2.5472 38.4572 25.64%
53 Popovich, Bob 12 U Limited 10 138 10 54.40 2.3529 35.5237 23.68%
54 Sustarsic, Vic 39 D Limited 144 0 63.71 2.2602 34.1241 22.75%
55 Ventimiglia, Frank 26 U Single Stack 145 0 86.90 1.6686 25.1922 16.79%
56 Hurd, Lynn 28 U Single Stack 123 40 52.20 1.5900 24.0056 16.00%

Stage No: 2 - Answer the Door









Hit Factor

Stage Pts

Stage %

R1 Whitaker, Jeff 48 A Open 87 0 10.54 8.2543 90.0000 100.00%
2 Whitaker, Jeff 24 A Limited 85 0 12.81 6.6354 72.3485 80.39%
3 Connolly, Bud 47 B Limited 10 87 0 13.94 6.2410 68.0482 75.61%
R4 Birch, Matthew 46 B Limited 10 88 0 14.12 6.2323 67.9533 75.50%
5 Yospur, Ben 16 C Open 79 0 13.66 5.7833 63.0577 70.06%
6 Henry, Ed 55 B Limited 83 0 14.79 5.6119 61.1888 67.99%
R7 Connolly, Bud 53 B Limited 87 10 13.73 5.6082 61.1485 67.94%
8 Attamante, William 50 A Limited 86 0 15.42 5.5772 60.8105 67.57%
R9 Martin, Michael 40 A Limited 84 0 15.22 5.5191 60.1770 66.86%
10 Moore, Vern 37 C Open 85 0 15.50 5.4839 59.7932 66.44%
R11 Ku, Raymond 42 C Open 82 0 15.38 5.3316 58.1326 64.59%
12 Birch, Matthew 11 C Revolver 86 0 16.59 5.1838 56.5211 62.80%
13 Ku, Raymond 18 C Production 84 0 17.40 4.8276 52.6373 58.49%
14 Catella, Gary 44 C Open 83 0 19.13 4.3387 47.3066 52.56%
15 Platt, Vaughn 35 B Limited 10 83 0 19.84 4.1835 45.6144 50.68%
R16 Meszaros, Robert 45 U Production 80 0 19.41 4.1216 44.9395 49.93%
17 Tartaglia, Greg 17 U Limited 87 0 21.48 4.0503 44.1621 49.07%
R18 Williams, Bruce 41 U Production 79 10 17.57 3.9271 42.8188 47.58%
19 Potts, Jim 15 U Limited 10 87 0 22.20 3.9189 42.7294 47.48%
20 Smith, Kevin A. 3 U Production 80 0 20.56 3.8911 42.4263 47.14%
21 Webb, Tim 8 U Production 85 10 19.39 3.8680 42.1744 46.86%
22 Martin, Michael 6 A Revolver 83 10 19.01 3.8401 41.8702 46.52%
23 Sarkisian, Stuart 14 U Production 80 0 21.33 3.7506 40.8943 45.44%
24 Smith, Caleb 2 U Single Stack 74 0 19.95 3.7093 40.4440 44.94%
R25 McGrattan, Tim 51 U Limited 10 86 10 21.62 3.5153 38.3287 42.59%
26 Catella, Zac 43 D Open 73 20 15.81 3.3523 36.5515 40.61%
27 Cukelj, Richard 5 U Production 81 10 21.64 3.2810 35.7741 39.75%
28 Landon, John W. 32 C Limited 81 20 20.97 2.9089 31.7169 35.24%
29 Znidar, Tim 21 C Open 89 0 32.50 2.7385 29.8590 33.18%
30 Hurd, Lynn 28 U Single Stack 81 0 29.77 2.7209 29.6671 32.96%
31 Griffith, John P. 23 U Single Stack 79 10 25.46 2.7101 29.5493 32.83%
32 Ellis, Richard 19 C Single Stack 85 10 27.78 2.6998 29.4370 32.71%
33 Konnerth, Dick 30 C Limited 75 20 20.93 2.6278 28.6520 31.84%
34 Damon, Amy 49 D Limited 10 78 20 24.01 2.4157 26.3394 29.27%
R35 Korpi, Rick 52 D Limited 10 77 10 28.74 2.3312 25.4180 28.24%
36 Williams, Bruce 1 U Limited 10 68 20 21.08 2.2770 24.8271 27.59%
37 Platt, Greg 36 U Limited 10 74 30 19.38 2.2704 24.7551 27.51%
38 Meszaros, Robert 20 U Production 76 30 20.56 2.2374 24.3953 27.11%
39 Short, Rick 7 U Limited 75 30 20.30 2.2167 24.1696 26.86%
40 McGrattan, Tim 33 U Production 80 20 27.53 2.1794 23.7629 26.40%
41 Arp, Joe 13 D Single Stack 87 20 31.22 2.1461 23.3998 26.00%
R42 Znidar, Tim 54 C Open 83 10 34.53 2.1141 23.0509 25.61%
43 Sustarsic, Vic 39 D Limited 80 10 34.74 2.0150 21.9704 24.41%
44 Burner, Mike 29 U Single Stack 75 30 22.35 2.0134 21.9529 24.39%
45 Malmgren, John 56 C Production 74 0 38.20 1.9372 21.1221 23.47%
46 Smith, Nathan 4 U Production 77 20 29.86 1.9089 20.8135 23.13%
47 Bauer, Rick 38 D Limited 78 30 26.92 1.7831 19.4419 21.60%
48 Sapp, John 34 C Limited 10 70 30 23.55 1.6985 18.5194 20.58%
49 Popovich, Bob 12 U Limited 10 78 10 42.31 1.6072 17.5240 19.47%
50 Charlillo, Ed 22 D Limited 10 73 20 34.26 1.5470 16.8676 18.74%
51 Bing, Paul 25 U Production 73 30 30.26 1.4210 15.4937 17.22%
52 Ventimiglia, Frank 26 U Single Stack 78 20 58.44 0.9925 10.8216 12.02%
53 Erwin, Scott 9 U Production 63 40 28.73 0.8006 8.7293 9.70%
54 Gelsimino, John 27 U Limited 68 50 24.38 0.7383 8.0500 8.94%
55 Bader, Larry R. 10 U Production 77 70 32.86 0.2130 2.3224 2.58%
56 Korpi, Rick 31 U Open 61 90 27.77 0.0000 0.0000 0.00%

Stage No: 3 - Soft Cover









Hit Factor

Stage Pts

Stage %

R1 Whitaker, Jeff 48 A Open 128 0 14.60 8.7671 145.0000 100.00%
R2 Martin, Michael 40 A Limited 137 0 19.57 7.0005 115.7820 79.85%
3 Whitaker, Jeff 24 A Limited 126 0 18.09 6.9652 115.1982 79.45%
4 Attamante, William 50 A Limited 139 0 21.73 6.3967 105.7957 72.96%
5 Henry, Ed 55 B Limited 129 10 18.84 6.3163 104.4660 72.05%
6 Connolly, Bud 47 B Limited 10 130 0 21.67 5.9991 99.2198 68.43%
7 Ku, Raymond 18 C Production 137 0 23.63 5.7977 95.8888 66.13%
8 Webb, Tim 8 U Production 143 0 24.87 5.7499 95.0982 65.58%
R9 Birch, Matthew 46 B Limited 10 124 10 20.09 5.6745 93.8512 64.72%
10 Catella, Zac 43 D Open 120 0 21.23 5.6524 93.4856 64.47%
11 Yospur, Ben 16 C Open 112 0 20.42 5.4848 90.7137 62.56%
12 Martin, Michael 6 A Revolver 126 0 23.08 5.4593 90.2919 62.27%
13 Konnerth, Dick 30 C Limited 136 0 25.06 5.4270 89.7577 61.90%
14 Moore, Vern 37 C Open 124 10 21.07 5.4105 89.4848 61.71%
15 Short, Rick 7 U Limited 134 0 25.34 5.2881 87.4604 60.32%
16 Birch, Matthew 11 C Revolver 134 0 26.94 4.9740 82.2655 56.73%
17 Platt, Vaughn 35 B Limited 10 135 0 27.17 4.9687 82.1779 56.67%
18 Smith, Kevin A. 3 U Production 126 10 23.91 4.8515 80.2395 55.34%
R19 Connolly, Bud 53 B Limited 123 20 21.47 4.7974 79.3447 54.72%
R20 Ku, Raymond 42 C Open 114 30 17.88 4.6980 77.7007 53.59%
21 Smith, Nathan 4 U Production 135 0 29.01 4.6536 76.9664 53.08%
22 Tartaglia, Greg 17 U Limited 136 0 29.63 4.5899 75.9128 52.35%
23 Catella, Gary 44 C Open 131 0 28.55 4.5884 75.8880 52.34%
R24 Znidar, Tim 54 C Open 137 0 29.96 4.5728 75.6300 52.16%
25 Smith, Caleb 2 U Single Stack 125 20 23.34 4.4987 74.4045 51.31%
26 McGrattan, Tim 33 U Production 120 10 25.39 4.3324 71.6540 49.42%
27 Platt, Greg 36 U Limited 10 129 10 27.55 4.3194 71.4390 49.27%
28 Sapp, John 34 C Limited 10 124 10 27.17 4.1958 69.3948 47.86%
29 Griffith, John P. 23 U Single Stack 132 0 31.54 4.1852 69.2195 47.74%
30 Landon, John W. 32 C Limited 133 0 33.02 4.0279 66.6179 45.94%
31 Arp, Joe 13 D Single Stack 137 0 34.24 4.0012 66.1763 45.64%
32 Ellis, Richard 19 C Single Stack 141 0 35.66 3.9540 65.3956 45.10%
33 Damon, Amy 49 D Limited 10 135 0 35.06 3.8505 63.6838 43.92%
R34 McGrattan, Tim 51 U Limited 10 122 10 30.41 3.6830 60.9135 42.01%
35 Sarkisian, Stuart 14 U Production 127 0 34.73 3.6568 60.4802 41.71%
36 Erwin, Scott 9 U Production 135 0 37.67 3.5838 59.2728 40.88%
37 Gelsimino, John 27 U Limited 134 0 37.98 3.5282 58.3533 40.24%
38 Cukelj, Richard 5 U Production 121 0 35.48 3.4104 56.4050 38.90%
39 Znidar, Tim 21 C Open 130 10 35.48 3.3822 55.9386 38.58%
R40 Meszaros, Robert 45 U Production 113 20 27.72 3.3550 55.4887 38.27%
41 Potts, Jim 15 U Limited 10 139 0 42.23 3.2915 54.4385 37.54%
42 Bauer, Rick 38 D Limited 115 30 26.05 3.2630 53.9671 37.22%
43 Bing, Paul 25 U Production 127 0 41.51 3.0595 50.6014 34.90%
44 Burner, Mike 29 U Single Stack 139 0 46.71 2.9758 49.2171 33.94%
R45 Korpi, Rick 52 D Limited 10 128 20 36.85 2.9308 48.4728 33.43%
R46 Williams, Bruce 41 U Production 102 10 31.64 2.9077 48.0908 33.17%
47 Williams, Bruce 1 U Limited 10 121 20 35.72 2.8275 46.7643 32.25%
48 Bader, Larry R. 10 U Production 124 10 42.91 2.6567 43.9394 30.30%
49 Sustarsic, Vic 39 D Limited 130 0 55.06 2.3611 39.0505 26.93%
50 Meszaros, Robert 20 U Production 102 30 31.81 2.2634 37.4346 25.82%
51 Korpi, Rick 31 U Open 131 10 54.43 2.2230 36.7664 25.36%
52 Malmgren, John 56 C Production 122 10 50.97 2.1974 36.3430 25.06%
53 Hurd, Lynn 28 U Single Stack 128 10 58.20 2.0275 33.5330 23.13%
54 Charlillo, Ed 22 D Limited 10 123 20 53.66 1.9195 31.7468 21.89%
55 Popovich, Bob 12 U Limited 10 132 10 69.63 1.7521 28.9782 19.98%
56 Ventimiglia, Frank 26 U Single Stack 129 30 77.49 1.2776 21.1304 14.57%

Stage No: 4 - CM 06-04 Fluffy's Revenge 1









Hit Factor

Stage Pts

Stage %

1 Whitaker, Jeff 24 A Limited 36 0 3.86 9.3264 40.0000 100.00%
2 Connolly, Bud 47 B Limited 10 39 0 4.25 9.1765 39.3571 98.39%
R3 Connolly, Bud 53 B Limited 37 0 4.29 8.6247 36.9905 92.48%
R4 Whitaker, Jeff 48 A Open 38 0 4.55 8.3516 35.8192 89.55%
5 Attamante, William 50 A Limited 39 0 4.70 8.2979 35.5889 88.97%
R6 Birch, Matthew 46 B Limited 10 38 0 4.60 8.2609 35.4302 88.58%
7 Short, Rick 7 U Limited 38 0 4.89 7.7710 33.3290 83.32%
8 Webb, Tim 8 U Production 40 0 5.19 7.7071 33.0550 82.64%
9 Konnerth, Dick 30 C Limited 39 0 5.25 7.4286 31.8605 79.65%
10 Henry, Ed 55 B Limited 40 0 5.44 7.3529 31.5359 78.84%
R11 Znidar, Tim 54 C Open 39 0 5.42 7.1956 30.8612 77.15%
12 Platt, Vaughn 35 B Limited 10 39 0 5.61 6.9519 29.8160 74.54%
R13 Martin, Michael 40 A Limited 39 10 4.20 6.9048 29.6140 74.04%
14 Ellis, Richard 19 C Single Stack 40 0 5.97 6.7002 28.7365 71.84%
15 Landon, John W. 32 C Limited 40 0 6.07 6.5898 28.2630 70.66%
16 Potts, Jim 15 U Limited 10 40 0 6.10 6.5574 28.1240 70.31%
R17 Ku, Raymond 42 C Open 38 0 5.81 6.5404 28.0511 70.13%
18 Smith, Kevin A. 3 U Production 34 0 5.33 6.3790 27.3589 68.40%
Tie Moore, Vern 37 C Open 34 0 5.33 6.3790 27.3589 68.40%
20 Catella, Zac 43 D Open 36 0 5.67 6.3492 27.2311 68.08%
21 Meszaros, Robert 20 U Production 36 0 5.73 6.2827 26.9459 67.36%
22 Martin, Michael 6 A Revolver 40 0 6.37 6.2794 26.9317 67.33%
R23 McGrattan, Tim 51 U Limited 10 39 0 6.43 6.0653 26.0135 65.03%
24 Tartaglia, Greg 17 U Limited 38 0 6.28 6.0510 25.9521 64.88%
25 Korpi, Rick 31 U Open 40 0 6.62 6.0423 25.9148 64.79%
26 Platt, Greg 36 U Limited 10 38 0 6.48 5.8642 25.1510 62.88%
27 Damon, Amy 49 D Limited 10 38 0 6.88 5.5233 23.6889 59.22%
28 Bing, Paul 25 U Production 38 0 6.93 5.4834 23.5178 58.79%
RTie Korpi, Rick 52 D Limited 10 38 0 6.93 5.4834 23.5178 58.79%
30 Ku, Raymond 18 C Production 32 0 6.24 5.1282 21.9943 54.99%
R31 Meszaros, Robert 45 U Production 36 0 7.08 5.0847 21.8078 54.52%
32 Erwin, Scott 9 U Production 38 0 7.62 4.9869 21.3883 53.47%
33 Smith, Nathan 4 U Production 36 0 7.40 4.8649 20.8651 52.16%
34 Sapp, John 34 C Limited 10 39 0 8.02 4.8628 20.8561 52.14%
35 Sarkisian, Stuart 14 U Production 40 0 8.75 4.5714 19.6063 49.02%
36 Bauer, Rick 38 D Limited 40 0 9.49 4.2150 18.0777 45.19%
37 Burner, Mike 29 U Single Stack 39 0 9.37 4.1622 17.8513 44.63%
38 Sustarsic, Vic 39 D Limited 35 0 9.23 3.7920 16.2635 40.66%
39 Charlillo, Ed 22 D Limited 10 35 0 9.24 3.7879 16.2459 40.61%
40 Hurd, Lynn 28 U Single Stack 40 0 10.96 3.6496 15.6528 39.13%
R41 Williams, Bruce 41 U Production 40 10 8.23 3.6452 15.6339 39.08%
42 Birch, Matthew 11 C Revolver 40 10 8.40 3.5714 15.3174 38.29%
43 Yospur, Ben 16 C Open 35 20 4.33 3.4642 14.8576 37.14%
44 Arp, Joe 13 D Single Stack 39 0 11.62 3.3563 14.3948 35.99%
45 Catella, Gary 44 C Open 40 20 6.26 3.1949 13.7026 34.26%
46 Smith, Caleb 2 U Single Stack 36 0 11.44 3.1469 13.4967 33.74%
47 Malmgren, John 56 C Production 32 10 8.23 2.6731 11.4647 28.66%
48 Gelsimino, John 27 U Limited 34 10 9.13 2.6287 11.2742 28.19%
49 Bader, Larry R. 10 U Production 38 0 14.48 2.6243 11.2554 28.14%
50 Griffith, John P. 23 U Single Stack 32 20 4.64 2.5862 11.0920 27.73%
51 McGrattan, Tim 33 U Production 35 20 6.40 2.3438 10.0523 25.13%
52 Znidar, Tim 21 C Open 35 20 7.86 1.9084 8.1849 20.46%
53 Popovich, Bob 12 U Limited 10 33 10 15.43 1.4906 6.3930 15.98%
54 Williams, Bruce 1 U Limited 10 35 20 13.69 1.0957 4.6993 11.75%
55 Ventimiglia, Frank 26 U Single Stack 33 10 52.85 0.4352 1.8665 4.67%
56 Cukelj, Richard 5 U Production 31 30 8.21 0.1218 0.5224 1.31%








Single Stack


Text Result Files







Single Stack