Crooked Creek Pistol League

We are a proud part of

Ohio Section

International Practical Shooting Confederation

Our parent Club is   Crooked Creek Conservation Club


2012 Match Results and Schedule

Old Match Results

Maps to our Ranges

Other Places to Shoot


For Sale


March 21, 2010 at
Crooked Creek Conservation Club

Overall Results












Match Pts

Match %

1 Connolly, Bud REENTRY B Open Major 298.2154 100.000%
2 Platt, Greg A59597 B Limited Major 280.6571 94.112%
3 Moore, Vern REENTRY U Open Major Super Senior 276.2290 92.627%
4 Moore, Vern A43231 U Open Major Super Senior 274.5095 92.051%
5 Connolly, Bud L2450 B Open Major 272.7982 91.477%
6 Masler, Bill REENTRY C Open Major Senior 267.9013 89.835%
7 Edwards, Joe A56847 C Production Minor 267.3815 89.661%
8 Wagner, Bob A63054 B Production Minor 261.2387 87.601%
9 Whitaker, Jeff REENTRY A Limited 10 Minor 260.2390 87.265%
10 Whitaker, Jeff A46225 A Production Minor 256.5539 86.030%
11 Platt, Greg REENTRY B Limited 10 Major 255.7103 85.747%
12 Connolly, Bud REENTRY B Limited Major 254.4681 85.330%
13 Blazek, Joe L1580 A Open Major 249.3266 83.606%
14 Birch, Matthew TY54136 B Limited 10 Major 245.0721 82.180%
15 Birch, Matthew REENTRY B Production Minor 236.8498 79.422%
16 Schray, Paul TY49277 B Open Major 235.5689 78.993%
17 Schray, Ron A60389 U Open Major Senior 227.2623 76.207%
18 Platt, Vaughn A43232 B Limited Major 219.0609 73.457%
19 Smith, Caleb L3219 D Limited 10 Major 215.1645 72.151%
20 Pakeltis, John A59759 B Production Minor 212.0363 71.102%
21 James, Mark A47249 C Production Minor 210.5069 70.589%
22 Masler, Bill TY61039 C Limited Major Senior 202.2422 67.817%
23 Hodges, Ryan A59397 B Open Major 200.3035 67.167%
24 Platt, Vaughn REENTRY B Limited 10 Major 196.8756 66.018%
25 Blazek, Joe REENTRY B Limited Major 186.7088 62.609%
26 Catella, Gary A47971 C Open Major Senior 185.9616 62.358%
27 Rebol, Bretton A65487 C Limited Major 185.9509 62.355%
28 Sarkisian, Stuart TY57001 C Production Minor 183.1691 61.422%
29 Calandra, Jim U Production Minor Senior 178.6622 59.910%
30 Revolinsky, Tom FY57317 U Limited 10 Major 177.5359 59.533%
31 DeRue, Neil A60399 C Production Minor 175.3622 58.804%
32 Shafer, Jeremiah REENTRY U Production Minor Junior 174.2807 58.441%
33 Holcomb, James A65337 C Single Stack Major 164.3965 55.127%
34 Holcomb, James REENTRY D Production Minor 163.2909 54.756%
35 Nolen, David U Single Stack Major 162.6686 54.547%
36 Lane, Greg A56998 D Production Minor 161.1203 54.028%
37 Brown, Peter REENTRY U Limited Minor 158.8349 53.262%
38 Ellis, Richard L1761 C Limited Major Senior 157.7619 52.902%
39 Smith, Kevin A. TY55852 C Production Minor 152.3808 51.098%
40 Dillon, Liam A62306 U Limited 10 Major 149.4192 50.104%
41 Shafer, Gregg REENTRY U Limited Major 144.4326 48.432%
42 Jasulevich, Jason U Limited Major 144.0185 48.293%
43 Radel, Steve TY60011 D Single Stack Major 140.0967 46.978%
44 Landon, John W. TY41729 C Single Stack Minor Super Senior 138.9028 46.578%
45 Shafer, Gregg A66678 U Single Stack Major 138.0926 46.306%
46 Culek, Joe TY9668 U Limited Minor 137.6450 46.156%
47 Bauer, Rick A43229 C Limited Major Super Senior 135.0721 45.293%
48 Brown, Peter U Limited Minor 133.1203 44.639%
49 Crompton, Steve Pen U Limited 10 Major Senior 132.2765 44.356%
50 Bondarenko, Igor A60012 D Production Minor 126.4238 42.393%
51 Welever, Guy U Limited Major 125.8688 42.207%
52 Weikart, Rick U Production Minor 125.1494 41.966%
53 Shafer, Gregg REENTRY U Production Minor 122.1464 40.959%
54 Kopfstein, Steve U Single Stack Major 121.2655 40.664%
55 Spidalieri, Ralph U Limited Minor 117.3388 39.347%
56 Lovejoy, Chris U Limited Major 116.8409 39.180%
57 Shafer, Jeremiah REENTRY U Limited Major Junior 115.9365 38.877%
58 Shafer, Jeremiah A66679 U Production Minor Junior 115.2465 38.645%
59 Sustarsic, Vic A43236 U Single Stack Major Super Senior 113.5900 38.090%
60 Hershey, Mike A64843 D Production Minor 112.6654 37.780%
61 Smith, Nicholas U Production Minor Junior 112.4960 37.723%
62 Hershey, Mike REENTRY U Limited Minor 101.3700 33.992%
63 Ellis, John U Limited 10 Major 99.6526 33.416%
64 Jacobs, Scott U Single Stack Major 92.8984 31.151%
65 Carnabuci, Jolene U Limited Minor 92.5536 31.036%
66 Reeves, Neal U Limited 10 Major 92.1302 30.894%
67 Upole, Daryl U Production Minor 91.6925 30.747%
68 Reeves, Neal REENTRY U Limited 10 Major 85.9553 28.823%
69 Rebol, Bretton REENTRY C Production Minor 75.7743 25.409%
70 Ballantine, Bob Pen U Production Minor Senior 74.7015 25.050%
71 Kopfstein, Tom U Single Stack Major Super Senior 68.3140 22.908%
72 Jacobs, Scott REENTRY U Limited 10 Major 66.3549 22.251%
73 Nightingale, Bill U Limited 10 Major 63.6896 21.357%
74 Cheatwood, Moses U Production Minor 50.9241 17.076%
75 Jauch, Jack U Single Stack Major Super Senior 50.8461 17.050%
76 Reynolds, Jeff U Limited Minor 50.4852 16.929%
77 Mercado, David REENTRY U Single Stack Major 41.4571 13.902%
78 Mercado, David U Single Stack Major 37.0701 12.431%
79 Ebosh, Lester U Production Minor Senior 28.8547 9.676%
80 Rebol, Patricia A65490 D Production Minor 17.5818 5.896%
81 Brown, Scott REENTRY U Limited Minor Junior 15.9518 5.349%
82 Brown, Scott U Limited Minor Junior 13.9932 4.692%
DQed Mersnik, Joe U Production Minor Super Senior 0.0000 0.000%
DQed Brent, Carol Pen U Production Minor Senior 0.0000 0.000%

Number of Competitors: 84


Stage No: 1 - CM 99-28 Hillbillton Drill









Hit Factor

Stage Pts

Stage %

1 Platt, Greg 54 B Limited 59 0 6.92 8.5260 60.0000 100.00%
R2 Whitaker, Jeff 83 A Limited 10 58 0 7.31 7.9343 55.8360 93.06%
3 Moore, Vern 6 U Open 59 0 7.75 7.6129 53.5742 89.29%
4 Whitaker, Jeff 57 A Production 60 0 8.24 7.2816 51.2428 85.40%
R5 Moore, Vern 23 U Open 52 0 7.33 7.0941 49.9233 83.21%
6 Wagner, Bob 48 B Production 56 0 8.19 6.8376 48.1182 80.20%
R7 Masler, Bill 77 C Open 59 0 8.66 6.8129 47.9444 79.91%
R8 Birch, Matthew 78 B Production 56 0 8.42 6.6508 46.8037 78.01%
9 Connolly, Bud 22 B Open 57 0 8.62 6.6125 46.5341 77.56%
10 Birch, Matthew 58 B Limited 10 60 0 9.14 6.5646 46.1970 77.00%
11 Blazek, Joe 7 A Open 53 0 8.10 6.5432 46.0464 76.74%
R12 Blazek, Joe 66 B Limited 56 0 8.69 6.4442 45.3498 75.58%
13 Edwards, Joe 11 C Production 50 0 7.78 6.4267 45.2266 75.38%
R14 Connolly, Bud 84 B Open 57 0 8.89 6.4117 45.1210 75.20%
15 Culek, Joe 31 U Limited 50 0 7.90 6.3291 44.5398 74.23%
16 Schray, Paul 10 B Open 59 0 9.45 6.2434 43.9367 73.23%
R17 Connolly, Bud 65 B Limited 51 0 8.30 6.1446 43.2414 72.07%
R18 Platt, Greg 80 B Limited 10 54 0 8.83 6.1155 43.0366 71.73%
19 James, Mark 59 C Production 54 0 9.37 5.7631 40.5567 67.59%
20 Platt, Vaughn 55 B Limited 55 0 9.60 5.7292 40.3181 67.20%
21 DeRue, Neil 13 C Production 54 0 9.82 5.4990 38.6981 64.50%
22 Pakeltis, John 15 B Production 56 0 10.71 5.2288 36.7966 61.33%
R23 Platt, Vaughn 79 B Limited 10 57 0 11.21 5.0847 35.7825 59.64%
24 Bondarenko, Igor 39 D Production 58 0 11.51 5.0391 35.4616 59.10%
25 Calandra, Jim 49 U Production 54 0 10.86 4.9724 34.9923 58.32%
26 Masler, Bill 35 C Limited 60 0 12.60 4.7619 33.5109 55.85%
27 Sarkisian, Stuart 40 C Production 56 0 11.94 4.6901 33.0056 55.01%
28 Catella, Gary 19 C Open 60 0 12.80 4.6875 32.9873 54.98%
29 Smith, Caleb 26 D Limited 10 54 0 12.17 4.4371 31.2252 52.04%
30 Landon, John W. 1 C Single Stack 58 0 13.09 4.4309 31.1816 51.97%
31 Schray, Ron 14 U Open 56 0 12.85 4.3580 30.6685 51.11%
32 Ellis, Richard 27 C Limited 59 0 13.62 4.3319 30.4849 50.81%
33 Rebol, Bretton 21 C Limited 56 0 12.98 4.3143 30.3610 50.60%
34 Lane, Greg 18 D Production 54 0 12.56 4.2994 30.2562 50.43%
R35 Shafer, Jeremiah 70 U Production 56 0 13.21 4.2392 29.8325 49.72%
36 Weikart, Rick 12 U Production 58 0 13.96 4.1547 29.2379 48.73%
37 Lovejoy, Chris 5 U Limited 45 10 8.48 4.1274 29.0457 48.41%
38 Jasulevich, Jason 68 U Limited 59 0 14.71 4.0109 28.2259 47.04%
R39 Brown, Peter 72 U Limited 56 0 14.02 3.9943 28.1091 46.85%
R40 Shafer, Gregg 41 U Production 54 0 13.59 3.9735 27.9627 46.60%
41 Shafer, Gregg 3 U Single Stack 54 0 13.63 3.9618 27.8804 46.47%
42 Hodges, Ryan 38 B Open 59 0 14.96 3.9439 27.7544 46.26%
R43 Shafer, Jeremiah 42 U Limited 56 0 14.20 3.9437 27.7530 46.26%
44 Radel, Steve 17 D Single Stack 57 0 14.49 3.9337 27.6826 46.14%
45 Revolinsky, Tom 16 U Limited 10 58 0 15.07 3.8487 27.0844 45.14%
46 Bauer, Rick 67 C Limited 58 0 15.08 3.8462 27.0669 45.11%
47 Holcomb, James 43 C Single Stack 49 10 10.16 3.8386 27.0134 45.02%
R48 Holcomb, James 82 D Production 45 10 9.32 3.7554 26.4279 44.05%
49 Smith, Nicholas 25 U Production 50 0 13.36 3.7425 26.3371 43.90%
R50 Hershey, Mike 81 U Limited 54 0 14.54 3.7139 26.1358 43.56%
51 Shafer, Jeremiah 4 U Production 58 0 15.65 3.7061 26.0809 43.47%
52 Hershey, Mike 44 D Production 58 0 15.69 3.6966 26.0141 43.36%
53 Ballantine, Bob 30 U Production 56 0 16.25 3.4462 24.2519 40.42%
54 Nolen, David 60 U Single Stack 54 0 15.75 3.4286 24.1281 40.21%
55 Dillon, Liam 28 U Limited 10 55 0 16.07 3.4225 24.0852 40.14%
R56 Shafer, Gregg 69 U Limited 48 10 11.31 3.3599 23.6446 39.41%
57 Jacobs, Scott 61 U Single Stack 59 0 18.41 3.2048 22.5531 37.59%
58 Ellis, John 73 U Limited 10 60 0 18.76 3.1983 22.5074 37.51%
59 Brown, Peter 36 U Limited 58 0 18.27 3.1746 22.3406 37.23%
R60 Reeves, Neal 75 U Limited 10 57 0 18.04 3.1596 22.2350 37.06%
61 Crompton, Steve 52 U Limited 10 54 0 17.42 3.0999 21.8149 36.36%
62 Welever, Guy 45 U Limited 58 0 19.49 2.9759 20.9423 34.90%
63 Reeves, Neal 56 U Limited 10 50 0 17.26 2.8969 20.3863 33.98%
R64 Jacobs, Scott 74 U Limited 10 54 0 20.86 2.5887 18.2175 30.36%
65 Smith, Kevin A. 24 C Production 54 0 21.95 2.4601 17.3125 28.85%
66 Jauch, Jack 33 U Single Stack 54 0 22.26 2.4259 17.0718 28.45%
67 Sustarsic, Vic 2 U Single Stack 56 0 23.87 2.3460 16.5095 27.52%
68 Ebosh, Lester 29 U Production 52 0 22.94 2.2668 15.9521 26.59%
69 Kopfstein, Tom 9 U Single Stack 54 0 24.63 2.1924 15.4286 25.71%
70 Carnabuci, Jolene 50 U Limited 56 0 25.89 2.1630 15.2217 25.37%
71 Nightingale, Bill 53 U Limited 10 55 0 26.17 2.1016 14.7896 24.65%
R72 Rebol, Bretton 63 C Production 54 0 26.03 2.0745 14.5989 24.33%
73 Kopfstein, Steve 8 U Single Stack 55 20 17.60 1.9886 13.9944 23.32%
74 Upole, Daryl 32 U Production 58 10 24.36 1.9704 13.8663 23.11%
75 Cheatwood, Moses 46 U Production 56 0 30.06 1.8629 13.1098 21.85%
R76 Mercado, David 76 U Single Stack 49 0 39.97 1.2259 8.6270 14.38%
77 Mercado, David 62 U Single Stack 54 0 48.84 1.1057 7.7811 12.97%
78 Spidalieri, Ralph 51 U Limited 48 40 11.38 0.7030 4.9472 8.25%
79 Rebol, Patricia 20 D Production 38 20 68.60 0.2624 1.8466 3.08%
80 Brown, Scott 37 U Limited 37 30 60.93 0.1149 0.8086 1.35%
R81 Brown, Scott 71 U Limited 33 30 33.98 0.0883 0.6214 1.04%
82 Reynolds, Jeff 47 U Limited 52 60 20.96 0.0000 0.0000 0.00%
DQed Brent, Carol 34 U Production 43 10 18.50 0.0000 0.0000 0.00%

Stage No: 2 - 6+6+6









Hit Factor

Stage Pts

Stage %

R1 Connolly, Bud 84 B Open 84 0 11.63 7.2227 90.0000 100.00%
R2 Moore, Vern 23 U Open 84 0 12.00 7.0000 87.2250 96.92%
3 Connolly, Bud 22 B Open 80 0 11.53 6.9384 86.4574 96.06%
4 Platt, Greg 54 B Limited 81 0 12.09 6.6998 83.4843 92.76%
5 Edwards, Joe 11 C Production 84 0 12.68 6.6246 82.5472 91.72%
6 Moore, Vern 6 U Open 85 0 13.45 6.3197 78.7480 87.50%
7 Birch, Matthew 58 B Limited 10 82 0 13.01 6.3028 78.5374 87.26%
R8 Connolly, Bud 65 B Limited 81 0 13.21 6.1317 76.4054 84.89%
9 Lovejoy, Chris 5 U Limited 83 0 14.01 5.9243 73.8210 82.02%
10 Wagner, Bob 48 B Production 84 0 14.51 5.7891 72.1363 80.15%
11 Pakeltis, John 15 B Production 80 0 13.85 5.7762 71.9756 79.97%
12 Whitaker, Jeff 57 A Production 80 0 14.02 5.7061 71.1021 79.00%
R13 Platt, Greg 80 B Limited 10 84 0 14.74 5.6988 71.0111 78.90%
R14 Whitaker, Jeff 83 A Limited 10 72 0 13.33 5.4014 67.3053 74.78%
15 Blazek, Joe 7 A Open 84 0 15.77 5.3266 66.3732 73.75%
R16 Masler, Bill 77 C Open 82 0 15.72 5.2163 64.9988 72.22%
R17 Birch, Matthew 78 B Production 72 0 13.91 5.1761 64.4979 71.66%
18 James, Mark 59 C Production 80 0 15.55 5.1447 64.1066 71.23%
19 Calandra, Jim 49 U Production 88 0 17.24 5.1044 63.6045 70.67%
20 Platt, Vaughn 55 B Limited 81 0 15.91 5.0911 63.4387 70.49%
21 Masler, Bill 35 C Limited 89 0 17.55 5.0712 63.1908 70.21%
22 Smith, Caleb 26 D Limited 10 84 0 18.13 4.6332 57.7330 64.15%
23 Culek, Joe 31 U Limited 68 0 14.68 4.6322 57.7205 64.13%
24 Smith, Kevin A. 24 C Production 86 0 18.60 4.6237 57.6146 64.02%
25 DeRue, Neil 13 C Production 76 0 16.73 4.5427 56.6053 62.89%
26 Sarkisian, Stuart 40 C Production 82 0 18.15 4.5179 56.2963 62.55%
27 Rebol, Bretton 21 C Limited 86 0 19.54 4.4012 54.8421 60.94%
R28 Platt, Vaughn 79 B Limited 10 75 10 14.87 4.3712 54.4683 60.52%
29 Nolen, David 60 U Single Stack 88 0 20.33 4.3286 53.9374 59.93%
30 Revolinsky, Tom 16 U Limited 10 83 0 19.32 4.2961 53.5325 59.48%
31 Schray, Ron 14 U Open 84 0 19.65 4.2748 53.2671 59.19%
R32 Blazek, Joe 66 B Limited 79 0 18.60 4.2473 52.9244 58.80%
R33 Shafer, Jeremiah 70 U Production 80 0 19.16 4.1754 52.0285 57.81%
34 Catella, Gary 19 C Open 82 0 19.88 4.1247 51.3967 57.11%
35 Spidalieri, Ralph 51 U Limited 74 0 17.96 4.1203 51.3419 57.05%
36 Radel, Steve 17 D Single Stack 80 0 19.67 4.0671 50.6790 56.31%
37 Bauer, Rick 67 C Limited 85 0 21.14 4.0208 50.1020 55.67%
38 Shafer, Gregg 3 U Single Stack 84 0 21.44 3.9179 48.8198 54.24%
39 Jasulevich, Jason 68 U Limited 90 0 23.16 3.8860 48.4223 53.80%
R40 Shafer, Gregg 69 U Limited 76 10 17.21 3.8350 47.7868 53.10%
R41 Brown, Peter 72 U Limited 86 0 22.66 3.7952 47.2909 52.55%
R42 Holcomb, James 82 D Production 69 10 15.88 3.7154 46.2965 51.44%
R43 Shafer, Jeremiah 42 U Limited 77 0 21.62 3.5615 44.3788 49.31%
44 Ellis, Richard 27 C Limited 86 0 24.37 3.5289 43.9726 48.86%
R45 Shafer, Gregg 41 U Production 75 10 18.52 3.5097 43.7334 48.59%
46 Schray, Paul 10 B Open 70 20 14.39 3.4746 43.2960 48.11%
47 Weikart, Rick 12 U Production 75 10 18.94 3.4319 42.7639 47.52%
48 Welever, Guy 45 U Limited 77 0 22.45 3.4298 42.7378 47.49%
49 Lane, Greg 18 D Production 76 0 22.25 3.4157 42.5621 47.29%
50 Jacobs, Scott 61 U Single Stack 83 10 22.05 3.3107 41.2537 45.84%
51 Holcomb, James 43 C Single Stack 77 20 17.44 3.2683 40.7254 45.25%
52 Hershey, Mike 44 D Production 86 0 26.95 3.1911 39.7634 44.18%
53 Shafer, Jeremiah 4 U Production 80 0 26.01 3.0757 38.3254 42.58%
54 Kopfstein, Steve 8 U Single Stack 84 0 27.44 3.0612 38.1447 42.38%
R55 Hershey, Mike 81 U Limited 74 0 24.35 3.0390 37.8681 42.08%
56 Dillon, Liam 28 U Limited 10 90 0 29.80 3.0201 37.6326 41.81%
57 Ellis, John 73 U Limited 10 88 0 29.61 2.9720 37.0332 41.15%
58 Hodges, Ryan 38 B Open 79 10 24.06 2.8678 35.7348 39.71%
59 Upole, Daryl 32 U Production 86 0 30.30 2.8383 35.3672 39.30%
60 Crompton, Steve 52 U Limited 10 85 0 30.00 2.8333 35.3049 39.23%
R61 Reeves, Neal 75 U Limited 10 87 0 30.77 2.8274 35.2314 39.15%
62 Landon, John W. 1 C Single Stack 84 0 29.72 2.8264 35.2190 39.13%
R63 Jacobs, Scott 74 U Limited 10 80 0 28.99 2.7596 34.3866 38.21%
R64 Rebol, Bretton 63 C Production 68 0 24.94 2.7265 33.9741 37.75%
65 Brown, Peter 36 U Limited 74 20 20.37 2.6510 33.0334 36.70%
66 Ballantine, Bob 30 U Production 80 0 30.26 2.6438 32.9436 36.60%
67 Carnabuci, Jolene 50 U Limited 90 0 34.06 2.6424 32.9262 36.58%
68 Bondarenko, Igor 39 D Production 66 20 19.34 2.3785 29.6378 32.93%
69 Reeves, Neal 56 U Limited 10 79 10 33.10 2.0846 25.9756 28.86%
70 Sustarsic, Vic 2 U Single Stack 68 0 33.11 2.0538 25.5918 28.44%
71 Nightingale, Bill 53 U Limited 10 87 0 48.16 1.8065 22.5103 25.01%
R72 Mercado, David 76 U Single Stack 65 0 37.32 1.7417 21.7028 24.11%
73 Kopfstein, Tom 9 U Single Stack 78 0 45.18 1.7264 21.5122 23.90%
74 Smith, Nicholas 25 U Production 64 20 26.07 1.6878 21.0312 23.37%
75 Mercado, David 62 U Single Stack 74 0 45.76 1.6171 20.1502 22.39%
76 Reynolds, Jeff 47 U Limited 74 0 49.22 1.5035 18.7347 20.82%
77 Cheatwood, Moses 46 U Production 84 0 56.12 1.4968 18.6512 20.72%
78 Jauch, Jack 33 U Single Stack 74 10 50.07 1.2782 15.9273 17.70%
79 Rebol, Patricia 20 D Production 66 0 84.76 0.7787 9.7032 10.78%
80 Brown, Scott 37 U Limited 57 30 59.18 0.4562 5.6846 6.32%
81 Ebosh, Lester 29 U Production 55 30 58.33 0.4286 5.3407 5.93%
R82 Brown, Scott 71 U Limited 44 60 42.91 0.0000 0.0000 0.00%

Stage No: 3 - Near to Far









Hit Factor

Stage Pts

Stage %

R1 Connolly, Bud 84 B Open 83 0 12.85 6.4591 90.0000 100.00%
R2 Masler, Bill 77 C Open 88 0 14.61 6.0233 83.9276 93.25%
3 Moore, Vern 6 U Open 76 10 11.15 5.9193 82.4785 91.64%
4 Blazek, Joe 7 A Open 73 0 13.10 5.5725 77.6463 86.27%
R5 Moore, Vern 23 U Open 69 10 11.76 5.0170 69.9060 77.67%
6 Wagner, Bob 48 B Production 82 0 16.62 4.9338 68.7467 76.39%
7 Schray, Ron 14 U Open 75 0 15.24 4.9213 68.5726 76.19%
8 Platt, Greg 54 B Limited 66 0 13.67 4.8281 67.2739 74.75%
R9 Connolly, Bud 65 B Limited 72 0 15.09 4.7714 66.4839 73.87%
10 Whitaker, Jeff 57 A Production 58 0 12.45 4.6586 64.9121 72.12%
11 Connolly, Bud 22 B Open 76 10 14.39 4.5865 63.9075 71.01%
12 Schray, Paul 10 B Open 76 10 14.52 4.5455 63.3362 70.37%
R13 Whitaker, Jeff 83 A Limited 10 66 0 14.88 4.4355 61.8035 68.67%
14 Edwards, Joe 11 C Production 66 0 15.11 4.3680 60.8630 67.63%
15 Hodges, Ryan 38 B Open 75 10 15.23 4.2679 59.4682 66.08%
16 James, Mark 59 C Production 82 0 19.97 4.1062 57.2151 63.57%
R17 Blazek, Joe 66 B Limited 68 0 16.62 4.0915 57.0103 63.34%
18 Rebol, Bretton 21 C Limited 72 0 17.61 4.0886 56.9699 63.30%
R19 Platt, Greg 80 B Limited 10 75 10 15.92 4.0829 56.8904 63.21%
20 Pakeltis, John 15 B Production 64 0 16.31 3.9240 54.6763 60.75%
R21 Birch, Matthew 78 B Production 60 0 15.31 3.9190 54.6067 60.67%
22 Smith, Caleb 26 D Limited 10 68 0 17.78 3.8245 53.2899 59.21%
23 Platt, Vaughn 55 B Limited 74 0 20.80 3.5577 49.5724 55.08%
24 Catella, Gary 19 C Open 69 20 14.01 3.4975 48.7336 54.15%
25 Holcomb, James 43 C Single Stack 78 10 19.56 3.4765 48.4410 53.82%
26 Lane, Greg 18 D Production 70 0 20.45 3.4230 47.6955 53.00%
27 Nolen, David 60 U Single Stack 70 0 20.69 3.3833 47.1423 52.38%
28 Birch, Matthew 58 B Limited 10 76 10 19.59 3.3691 46.9445 52.16%
29 Ellis, Richard 27 C Limited 84 0 25.18 3.3360 46.4833 51.65%
30 Landon, John W. 1 C Single Stack 82 0 25.37 3.2322 45.0369 50.04%
31 Calandra, Jim 49 U Production 72 0 22.32 3.2258 44.9477 49.94%
32 Masler, Bill 35 C Limited 85 0 26.36 3.2246 44.9310 49.92%
R33 Platt, Vaughn 79 B Limited 10 62 10 16.43 3.1649 44.0992 49.00%
34 Dillon, Liam 28 U Limited 10 76 0 25.55 2.9746 41.4476 46.05%
R35 Brown, Peter 72 U Limited 68 0 23.45 2.8998 40.4053 44.89%
36 Revolinsky, Tom 16 U Limited 10 71 10 21.23 2.8733 40.0361 44.48%
37 DeRue, Neil 13 C Production 61 10 17.75 2.8732 40.0347 44.48%
38 Shafer, Gregg 3 U Single Stack 75 10 22.85 2.8446 39.6362 44.04%
39 Sarkisian, Stuart 40 C Production 69 10 22.02 2.6794 37.3343 41.48%
40 Crompton, Steve 52 U Limited 10 77 0 30.41 2.5321 35.2819 39.20%
41 Bauer, Rick 67 C Limited 70 20 20.21 2.4740 34.4723 38.30%
42 Brown, Peter 36 U Limited 66 0 26.72 2.4701 34.4180 38.24%
R43 Shafer, Jeremiah 70 U Production 58 0 23.50 2.4681 34.3901 38.21%
44 Smith, Kevin A. 24 C Production 59 10 20.75 2.3614 32.9033 36.56%
R45 Holcomb, James 82 D Production 56 20 16.37 2.1991 30.6419 34.05%
46 Kopfstein, Steve 8 U Single Stack 73 10 30.98 2.0336 28.3358 31.48%
47 Radel, Steve 17 D Single Stack 62 10 27.18 1.9132 26.6582 29.62%
48 Weikart, Rick 12 U Production 60 20 21.68 1.8450 25.7079 28.56%
49 Sustarsic, Vic 2 U Single Stack 77 10 37.01 1.8103 25.2244 28.03%
50 Hershey, Mike 44 D Production 61 10 28.45 1.7926 24.9778 27.75%
51 Bondarenko, Igor 39 D Production 62 20 24.29 1.7291 24.0930 26.77%
52 Welever, Guy 45 U Limited 58 20 22.45 1.6927 23.5858 26.21%
R53 Hershey, Mike 81 U Limited 63 10 32.35 1.6383 22.8278 25.36%
54 Spidalieri, Ralph 51 U Limited 62 20 25.79 1.6285 22.6912 25.21%
55 Smith, Nicholas 25 U Production 53 10 26.92 1.5973 22.2565 24.73%
56 Upole, Daryl 32 U Production 60 20 26.50 1.5094 21.0317 23.37%
57 Reeves, Neal 56 U Limited 10 66 20 33.86 1.3585 18.9291 21.03%
58 Cheatwood, Moses 46 U Production 72 0 67.91 1.0602 14.7726 16.41%
59 Reynolds, Jeff 47 U Limited 62 0 61.03 1.0159 14.1554 15.73%
60 Lovejoy, Chris 5 U Limited 54 40 13.96 1.0029 13.9742 15.53%
61 Ellis, John 73 U Limited 10 61 30 31.28 0.9910 13.8084 15.34%
62 Jacobs, Scott 61 U Single Stack 61 30 31.35 0.9888 13.7778 15.31%
63 Jasulevich, Jason 68 U Limited 60 30 31.95 0.9390 13.0839 14.54%
R64 Shafer, Gregg 41 U Production 51 30 22.92 0.9162 12.7662 14.18%
65 Nightingale, Bill 53 U Limited 10 76 0 83.51 0.9101 12.6812 14.09%
66 Kopfstein, Tom 9 U Single Stack 62 20 49.34 0.8512 11.8605 13.18%
R67 Shafer, Jeremiah 42 U Limited 52 30 26.69 0.8243 11.4857 12.76%
68 Shafer, Jeremiah 4 U Production 44 20 32.19 0.7456 10.3891 11.54%
R69 Shafer, Gregg 69 U Limited 53 40 17.60 0.7386 10.2915 11.44%
70 Carnabuci, Jolene 50 U Limited 56 40 25.44 0.6289 8.7630 9.74%
R71 Mercado, David 76 U Single Stack 54 40 39.53 0.3542 4.9354 5.48%
R72 Reeves, Neal 75 U Limited 10 47 40 28.39 0.2466 3.4361 3.82%
73 Mercado, David 62 U Single Stack 43 40 60.72 0.0494 0.6883 0.76%
74 Jauch, Jack 33 U Single Stack 43 60 61.66 0.0000 0.0000 0.00%
RTie Rebol, Bretton 63 C Production 35 70 23.09 0.0000 0.0000 0.00%
Tie Ballantine, Bob 30 U Production 53 60 28.64 0.0000 0.0000 0.00%
Tie Ebosh, Lester 29 U Production 41 70 41.98 0.0000 0.0000 0.00%
Tie Culek, Joe 31 U Limited 55 70 30.98 0.0000 0.0000 0.00%
Tie Brown, Scott 37 U Limited 12 140 56.97 0.0000 0.0000 0.00%
Tie Rebol, Patricia 20 D Production 26 60 60.50 0.0000 0.0000 0.00%
RTie Brown, Scott 71 U Limited 26 60 40.96 0.0000 0.0000 0.00%
RTie Jacobs, Scott 74 U Limited 10 39 60 26.85 0.0000 0.0000 0.00%
DQed Brent, Carol 34 U Production 56 40 29.31 0.0000 0.0000 0.00%
DQed Mersnik, Joe 64 U Production 49 30 33.17 0.0000 0.0000 0.00%

Stage No: 4 - Far Star









Hit Factor

Stage Pts

Stage %

1 Schray, Paul 10 B Open 84 0 14.91 5.6338 85.0000 100.00%
R2 Platt, Greg 80 B Limited 10 84 0 14.95 5.6187 84.7722 99.73%
3 Edwards, Joe 11 C Production 75 0 14.37 5.2192 78.7447 92.64%
4 Hodges, Ryan 38 B Open 79 0 15.41 5.1265 77.3461 91.00%
5 Connolly, Bud 22 B Open 74 0 14.71 5.0306 75.8992 89.29%
R6 Whitaker, Jeff 83 A Limited 10 79 0 15.83 4.9905 75.2942 88.58%
7 Schray, Ron 14 U Open 82 0 16.55 4.9547 74.7541 87.95%
8 Birch, Matthew 58 B Limited 10 79 0 16.24 4.8645 73.3932 86.34%
R9 Connolly, Bud 84 B Open 78 0 16.10 4.8447 73.0944 85.99%
10 Smith, Caleb 26 D Limited 10 81 0 16.76 4.8329 72.9164 85.78%
11 Wagner, Bob 48 B Production 79 0 16.50 4.7879 72.2375 84.99%
R12 Masler, Bill 77 C Open 83 0 17.63 4.7079 71.0305 83.57%
R13 Birch, Matthew 78 B Production 71 0 15.10 4.7020 70.9415 83.46%
14 Platt, Greg 54 B Limited 75 10 14.03 4.6329 69.8989 82.23%
15 Whitaker, Jeff 57 A Production 79 0 17.20 4.5930 69.2969 81.53%
R16 Moore, Vern 23 U Open 74 0 16.14 4.5849 69.1747 81.38%
R17 Connolly, Bud 65 B Limited 77 0 17.00 4.5294 68.3374 80.40%
18 Platt, Vaughn 55 B Limited 85 0 19.51 4.3567 65.7317 77.33%
R19 Shafer, Gregg 69 U Limited 84 0 20.21 4.1564 62.7097 73.78%
R20 Platt, Vaughn 79 B Limited 10 77 0 18.58 4.1442 62.5256 73.56%
21 Masler, Bill 35 C Limited 84 0 20.91 4.0172 60.6095 71.31%
R22 Holcomb, James 82 D Production 79 0 19.89 3.9718 59.9246 70.50%
23 Moore, Vern 6 U Open 82 0 20.72 3.9575 59.7088 70.25%
24 Blazek, Joe 7 A Open 74 0 18.84 3.9278 59.2607 69.72%
R25 Shafer, Jeremiah 70 U Production 81 0 21.06 3.8462 58.0296 68.27%
26 Revolinsky, Tom 16 U Limited 10 84 0 22.28 3.7702 56.8829 66.92%
27 Sarkisian, Stuart 40 C Production 77 0 20.55 3.7470 56.5329 66.51%
28 Jasulevich, Jason 68 U Limited 82 0 22.79 3.5981 54.2864 63.87%
29 Catella, Gary 19 C Open 78 0 22.27 3.5025 52.8440 62.17%
30 James, Mark 59 C Production 77 0 23.89 3.2231 48.6285 57.21%
31 Pakeltis, John 15 B Production 77 0 23.91 3.2204 48.5878 57.16%
32 Holcomb, James 43 C Single Stack 79 0 24.72 3.1958 48.2167 56.73%
33 Sustarsic, Vic 2 U Single Stack 85 0 27.72 3.0664 46.2643 54.43%
34 Dillon, Liam 28 U Limited 10 84 0 27.40 3.0657 46.2538 54.42%
35 Smith, Kevin A. 24 C Production 75 0 25.40 2.9528 44.5504 52.41%
36 Rebol, Bretton 21 C Limited 82 0 28.26 2.9016 43.7779 51.50%
37 Brown, Peter 36 U Limited 73 0 25.42 2.8718 43.3283 50.97%
R38 Brown, Peter 72 U Limited 79 0 27.70 2.8520 43.0296 50.62%
39 Smith, Nicholas 25 U Production 83 0 29.21 2.8415 42.8712 50.44%
40 Kopfstein, Steve 8 U Single Stack 79 0 29.22 2.7036 40.7906 47.99%
41 Lane, Greg 18 D Production 77 0 28.61 2.6914 40.6065 47.77%
42 Shafer, Jeremiah 4 U Production 77 0 28.72 2.6811 40.4511 47.59%
43 DeRue, Neil 13 C Production 66 10 21.11 2.6528 40.0241 47.09%
44 Crompton, Steve 52 U Limited 10 80 0 30.27 2.6429 39.8748 46.91%
45 Welever, Guy 45 U Limited 84 0 32.83 2.5586 38.6029 45.42%
46 Spidalieri, Ralph 51 U Limited 75 0 29.50 2.5424 38.3585 45.13%
R47 Shafer, Gregg 41 U Production 81 0 32.43 2.4977 37.6841 44.33%
48 Nolen, David 60 U Single Stack 80 0 32.22 2.4829 37.4608 44.07%
49 Bondarenko, Igor 39 D Production 65 0 26.34 2.4677 37.2314 43.80%
50 Ellis, Richard 27 C Limited 82 0 33.60 2.4405 36.8211 43.32%
51 Carnabuci, Jolene 50 U Limited 85 0 35.98 2.3624 35.6427 41.93%
52 Culek, Joe 31 U Limited 69 0 29.42 2.3453 35.3847 41.63%
53 Calandra, Jim 49 U Production 81 0 34.80 2.3276 35.1177 41.31%
54 Radel, Steve 17 D Single Stack 74 0 31.83 2.3249 35.0769 41.27%
R55 Shafer, Jeremiah 42 U Limited 82 0 38.28 2.1421 32.3189 38.02%
R56 Blazek, Joe 66 B Limited 83 0 39.85 2.0828 31.4243 36.97%
57 Landon, John W. 1 C Single Stack 75 0 41.20 1.8204 27.4653 32.31%
58 Weikart, Rick 12 U Production 70 10 32.99 1.8187 27.4396 32.28%
R59 Rebol, Bretton 63 C Production 75 0 41.60 1.8029 27.2013 32.00%
60 Reeves, Neal 56 U Limited 10 79 0 44.41 1.7789 26.8392 31.58%
61 Ellis, John 73 U Limited 10 81 0 46.46 1.7434 26.3036 30.95%
R62 Reeves, Neal 75 U Limited 10 81 0 48.78 1.6605 25.0528 29.47%
63 Bauer, Rick 67 C Limited 74 10 41.21 1.5530 23.4309 27.57%
64 Hershey, Mike 44 D Production 85 0 58.53 1.4522 21.9101 25.78%
65 Shafer, Gregg 3 U Single Stack 78 0 54.09 1.4420 21.7562 25.60%
66 Upole, Daryl 32 U Production 85 0 59.85 1.4202 21.4273 25.21%
67 Kopfstein, Tom 9 U Single Stack 81 0 62.63 1.2933 19.5127 22.96%
68 Jauch, Jack 33 U Single Stack 85 0 71.86 1.1829 17.8470 21.00%
69 Reynolds, Jeff 47 U Limited 83 0 71.17 1.1662 17.5951 20.70%
70 Ballantine, Bob 30 U Production 75 20 47.40 1.1603 17.5060 20.60%
R71 Brown, Scott 71 U Limited 65 0 63.97 1.0161 15.3304 18.04%
72 Jacobs, Scott 61 U Single Stack 83 0 81.77 1.0150 15.3138 18.02%
R73 Hershey, Mike 81 U Limited 85 0 88.21 0.9636 14.5383 17.10%
R74 Jacobs, Scott 74 U Limited 10 79 10 75.71 0.9114 13.7508 16.18%
75 Nightingale, Bill 53 U Limited 10 83 0 91.35 0.9086 13.7085 16.13%
76 Mercado, David 62 U Single Stack 73 20 94.63 0.5601 8.4505 9.94%
77 Ebosh, Lester 29 U Production 63 0 125.69 0.5012 7.5619 8.90%
78 Brown, Scott 37 U Limited 63 0 126.73 0.4971 7.5000 8.82%
R79 Mercado, David 76 U Single Stack 67 30 90.15 0.4104 6.1919 7.28%
80 Rebol, Patricia 20 D Production 70 10 150.08 0.3998 6.0320 7.10%
81 Cheatwood, Moses 46 U Production 73 20 182.11 0.2910 4.3905 5.17%
DNF Lovejoy, Chris 5 U Limited 78 10 No Time 0.0000 0.0000 0.00%
DQed Brent, Carol 34 U Production 85 0 69.79 0.0000 0.0000 0.00%








Single Stack


Text Result Files







Single Stack