Crooked Creek Pistol League

We are a proud part of

Ohio Section

International Practical Shooting Confederation

Our parent Club is   Crooked Creek Conservation Club


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October 23, 2011 Newsletter

A great weekend for shooting. The weather was clear all weekend which contributed to brisk temperature on Sunday morning. We had our usual crowd for 8AM but the reshoots at 11AM were pretty light.

I'd like to thank the setup crew of Ed Henry, Phil McKenzie, Bretton Rebol, Neil DeRue, John Sheehan and Ken Goff.

We had  47 shooters and 15 reshoots for a total of 62 guns. Here's the breakdown by division.









Single Stack




Here's the breakdown for the entire season.


March April May June July August September October Average Total
Shooters 61 40 68 63 50 65 61 47 56.9 455
Reshoots 21 4 12 20 14 16 16 15 14.8 118
Total 82 44 80 83 64 81 77 62 71.63 573
Production 24 16 25 26 17 30 29 31 24.8 198
Limited 22 11 12 12 16 9 15 7 13.0 104
Single Stack 11 8 14 16 13 14 11 5 11.5 92
Limited-10 14 4 14 12 10 16 11 11 11.5 92
Open 9 5 9 13 7 10 9 8 8.8 70
Revolver 2 0 6 4 1 2 2 0 2.1 17

Total shooters were up again over 2010, but the reshoots were down a little bit. So that's good, we are getting more people coming out to shoot each month. Try to introduce someone new to to USPSA shooting next year.

We had seven (7) new shooters this month: Paula Umlauf, Ken Goff, Mike Fellenstein, Dennis Huffman, David Gilles, York Espenschied and John Nemeth.

This month's Top Shooters are:

Division Name Class
High Overall & Open Ryan Hodges B
Vern Moore U
Dick Konnerth C
Limited Greg Platt B
Limited-10 Bretton Rebol C
Bill Umlauf U
Production Jeremy Carter B
Ed Henry C
Roger Schaffert D
Mike Fellenstein U
Revolver NONE
Single Stack Greg Lane C
Phil McKenzie U

Senior Bud Connolly
Super Senior Dick Konnerth
Junior Nic Smith
Lady Maureen Garnett

October 23, 2011 Match Results

Bud Connolly