Crooked Creek Pistol League

We are a proud part of

Ohio Section

International Practical Shooting Confederation

Our parent Club is   Crooked Creek Conservation Club


2012 Match Results and Schedule

Old Match Results

Maps to our Ranges

Other Places to Shoot


For Sale


May 29, 2011 Newsletter

The rain got out of the way Sunday morning but left the bays a little swampy. Great turnout for setup on Saturday with 20 shooters plus Ed. We were a little overwhelmed on Sunday morning with 48 shooters. It didn't help that I hadn't made up enough scoresheets and had to turn all of you loose on Ed while I made more.

Safety note, we had 3 DQ's for Negligent Discharges this month. One may have been a gun malfunction, I did not witness any of these, so I can't be sure. But, they were during reloads or showing clear. Keep your finger out of the trigger guard unless you are engaging a target. I don't want to repeat this message.

Also, we do have a Safety Area and it will be setup on the east end of the pistol bays (by the 5-Stand). Also, if you carry concealed, please use the 200 yard range to unload before coming to the pistol bays. Just make sure that no one is downrange before you clear leather.

We had  68 shooters and 12 reshoots for a total of 80 guns. Here's the breakdown by division.





Single Stack   








We had fourteen (14) new shooters this month: Dan Kelly, John Redella, Matt Brill, Steve Urdzik, Ben Lucas, Dave Dorisio, Christian Letizia, John Koch, John LaRiche, James Sukes, James Merrill, Geoff Ferron, Chris DeFabio & Nate Badman. What, no one could bring their girlfriend or wife out to shoot with them?

We have Crooked Creek Conservation Club applications. Ask Bill, Ed or myself for one if you are interested in joining. We hold a pistol practice on Wednesday evening starting about 4:30~5:00 PM for members.

Upcoming Major Matches


Start Date

End Date



6/24/2011 6/26/2011 Firecracker Penfield (Rochester), NY
7/29/2011 7/31/2011 Eastern Lakes Section 3-Gun Championship Rush (Rochester), NY
7/29/2011 7/31/2011 Indiana Section & State USPSA Championship Warsaw, IN
8/4/2011 8/7/2011 Western PA Section Hollidaysburg, PA
8/19/2011 8/21/2011 Michigan Sectional Dorr (Grand Rapids), MI
8/19/2011 8/21/2011 Eastern Lakes Sectional Pendleton (Buffalo), NY
9/1/2011 9/4/2011 Area 8 Championship Fredericksburg, VA

If you want to go to one of these matches with the gang from Crooked Creek, fill out your application and send it to me with your check. That is usually how we can create a squad and keep the gang together.

Our next match will be on Sunday, June 26th  at Crooked Creek in Hartsgrove. Setup will be on Saturday, June 25th starting at 1:30 PM. You can shoot one gun after setup. We'll be on the fourth Sunday the rest of the year (including July). Mark your calendars.

2011 Schedule

June 26

July 24

August 28

September 25

October 23

Signups for Sunday start at 7:30AM. We will run two (2) squads on Sunday at 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM. Please arrive in time to register, gear-up and be ready to shoot at 8:00AM. I will try to design the stages to keep us on schedule so that you don't have to wait for the second squad. The last squad will help with teardown.

This month's Top Shooters are:

Division Name Class
High Overall & Limited Kevin Dale M
Mark James C
Greg Platt B
Neal Reeves U
Limited-10 Bob Wagner U
Liam Dillon C
Open Vern Moore B
Jeremiah Shafer C
Tim Webb U
Production Jeff Whitaker A
Kevin Smith C
Jay Bodnar U
Igor Bondarenko D
Revolver Matthew Birch B
Mick Lipscomb U
Single Stack Ed Henry B
Vic Sustarsic U
Stuart Sarkisian C

Senior Vern Moore
Super Senior Rick Bauer
Junior Nic Smith
Lady Debby Dalton

May 29, 2011 Match Results

Bud Connolly