Congratulations to Joe Culek in Limited
and Kevin Martin in Open. Kevin was also our junior winner. A great time was
had by all at a four stage, 100 round (minimum !!!) match. Many of us found
that the minimum was just that a lower limit. The weather as luck would have it was wonderful and we were
prepared for the worst. Welcome to Slavek Kurczewski, Steph Hobson (just
passing thru also the Case Pro Guy) and Frank Brady.
There will be an indoor match this
month at Big Bore in Eastlake. This will be about a 60-100 round match and we
will not have a classifier.
Henry 440 256-1783 or
1999 TRW IPSC Indoor Schedule We will be back indoors at Big Bore in Eastlake
November 13 and December 11 these are the second Saturdays of the month.