Practical Pistol Shooters Newsletter
http://neopl.en.comApril, 1998
Twenty-four souls braved the wet weather to shoot in our second out door match of the season. Atto put together three all steel non-wilting in the rain stages that worked really well under the conditions. Congratulations to Smokin Joe Blazek in open shooter. Joe Culek and the Bob Katja lead the way in limited.
July 8-11 ---- The Area 8 match will be at Erie,Pa again this year. The weekend is sold out but there are times on Thursday and Friday left.
June 10-13 --- The Area 5 match is in Grand Rapids, Michigan. There is I think room on Saturday but I am not sure.
June 25-27 ---- Area 7 Championship, Groton, NY. The Area 7 is just about 4 hours up the road and promises to be a great match.
The June match will be a 2 gun match pistol and rifle. The August match will be a 2 gun match pistol and shotgun. There will be plenty of extra guns to use if you dont have one of your own. More information will be coming in later letters.
1999 TRW IPSC OUTDOOR Schedule
May 9 June 13 July 11 August 8 September 11 (Saturday) October 10