Crooked Creek Pistol League

We are a proud part of

Ohio Section

International Practical Shooting Confederation

Our parent Club is   Crooked Creek Conservation Club


2012 Match Results and Schedule

Old Match Results

Maps to our Ranges

Other Places to Shoot


For Sale


March 2000 News Letter

Our first outdoor match was great fun and a lot of shooting. Several people did not bring enough ammo. It was cold but the rain held off until we were torn down and leaving. The shooting was hot and heavy on the all steel, 120 round ( minimum ) match.

Congrats to Kevin Martin in Open, Paul Schray in revolver and to the match winner and Limited winner Jeff Scott.  

Welcome to our new shooters Chris Dunn, Troy Duncan, Bill Dunn and Rich Hallstrom.

            Our next match will TRW Rod and Gun in Hartsgrove on April 8th this is the Second Saturday. This will be about a 75-120 round match (we are not sure yet) and we will be having a classifier. The match will start about 8:00AM and sign up will end about 1:00 PM again this is the second Saturday.

 Ed Henry 440 256-1783 or

2000 TRW IPSC Indoor Schedule We outdoors at TRW Rod and Gun

May 13, June 10

July (we may not have a match this month)

7:00AM setup and 8:00 AM start time. We can use help setting up and later in the day tearing down We will be shooting on the second Saturday of the month. This is a change from the second Sunday. Will also have several 5th Saturdays but after the above dates we are waiting for approval from the board at TRW Rod and Gun. Information will follow as the board lets us know.