You may ask yourself what is CCCC it is the new name for TRW Rod and Gun. Crooked Creek Conservation Club Corporation. It has not moved. It still is on route 535 10 miles south of RT90 and 2.5 miles North of RT6. New name, same great shooting.
Congratulations to Joe Culek in Open, Tom Schuster in limited, yours truly Ed Henry in Limited 10 and a new shooter Bryan Mack in Production..
I wish to thank everyone for helping to set-up and tear down. This a great help and is greatly appreciated.
We will not be having a classifier this month. The first April match will be a steel match, non-falling steel as at the steel challenge. The minimum round count will be about 100. But this is steel so more would be better. The classifiers will start in May. I will see if we can get a special classifier Match with 4 classifiers in around May or June. That way everyone can get their classification up to date in the new classes
Ed Henry 440 256-1783 or