I must say I am sorry for the results being as late as they are. The new USPSA scoring program EasyWinScore although a wonderful and very flexible program almost beat me. But here the results are and the software, after a little work with a whip and a chair, works very well. Also there was a little education process for one old guy.
Congratulations to Ben Yousper in Open, Tom Schuster in limited, John Thompson in Production, Bob Almashie in Limited 10 and Paul Schray in revolver . We had our largest turn out for an indoor match at 36 people. As you probably have noticed we now have 5 different divisions and they are Open, Limited, Limited 10, Production and Revolver. We will be scoring in all of these divisions if we have shooters in them. So the single stack is not at a disadvantage nor is the double action 9mm bring them out and have a great time.
The next match will be an indoor match February 3 the first Saturday at Big Bore in
Eastlake. This will be about a 60-100 round match and we will not be having a classifier
this month. The shooting will start about 5:30 PM and end promptly at 9:00 PM. Big Bore is at 3140 Vine St. Eastlake, Ohio --
Ed Henry 440 256-1783 or hen3ry@en.com